Therapy for fertility

Trying for a baby can become an all-consuming, often obsessive and stressful experience. Your thoughts are around the baby, and soon you notice that you find it difficult to focus on other aspects of your life. As months go by, you both might start feeling detached and isolated from the world, a profound sense of sadness and fear occupies your mind. Time seems to be running out. 

How can hypno-psychotherapy help with infertility?

The mind has enormous power over the body, and the mind is always influenced by our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. There are many psychological factors responsible for infertility, and our feelings can affect our hormonal system, which controls our reproductive system.

Hormone levels, ovulation and other reproductive factors can be profoundly affected by your thoughts and emotions; what`s on your mind. By using hypno-psychotherapy, you can increase your chances of conception and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

You might be at the stage of naturally trying, or going for IVF or other medically-aided conception types, we are here to help you in both cases. 

Medical treatments are not contraindicated with hypno-psychotherapy; we can help your mind to assist your body to achieve your goal. 

Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways to aid natural conception by reducing stress and increasing feelings of calmness and relaxation. Hypnosis can also help to boost your self-confidence. We use integrative therapeutic tools to help you with managing stress or subconscious blocks that may be affecting your ability to conceive and achieve your ultimate goal, becoming parents.

If you have decided to have a baby on your own, we can give you emotional support when you are going through fertility treatment and deal with any issues regarding this topic. 

The therapy often includes:

· Pursuing fertility treatment without feeling too stressed about it

· Reducing stress so enhancing the chance of conceiving either naturally or with ART

· Helping you to have a life outside of infertility

· Helping you to get a sense of control over your life

· Helping with your relationship issues

Attention, gentleman!

We focus our work on both partners, helping male and female clients to re-establish control over their lives. 

Very often, the psychological impact of infertility in men can be belittled or ignored. Talking to a therapist with an objective viewpoint and no agenda can be liberating, a release that you`ve been waiting for.

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