How can I help?

There are many reasons for using hypnotherapy, psychotherapy or counselling.

Perhaps you

  • feel stressed, anxious or depressed
  • suffer from a phobia that affects your life
  • are too shy to socialise
  • struggle with sleep, weight or low self-confidence
  • want to quit smoking
  • might need support to achieve your goal
  • feel that something is not right, but you are not sure what it is
  • want to change certain habits
  • have a newborn baby, and you do not feel the happiness that others are talking about
  • feel stuck and want to make changes in your life.

At Urmston Hypnotherapy, we can work together to make you feel better about yourself.
So, whatever your problem or goal may be, it is important; it matters; you matter, and I am here to accompany you on your journey to achieve your goal.

Make an Enquiry

Andrea Szentgyorgyi MA, MBA, ADHP, B.A. , PGDip, PGCert CHFP, MNCH
Hypno-Psychotherapist (UKCP, CNHC, NSTT)


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